This movie is based on a short story written by Kunal Basu and made into a movie by the famous Bengali Actress / Director Aparna Sen. “Japanese Wife” is a touching love story, almost surreal in its innocence and depicts the immeasurable strength of love. This is the story of Snehamoy Chatterjee ( Rahul Bose) and Miyagi ( Chigusa Takaku). Shehamoy lives with his Aunt in a remote village of Sunderban in West Bengal. He finds a pen friend in Miyagi who lives in Japan. There remote relationship soon transforms into love for each other and they have a virtual marraige with a promise to meet each other soon. Their mutual love and respect for each other grows over time even though they have never met.Its amazing to see how their relationship thrives in spite of Snehamoy being ridiculed by village community and various other constraints they face.Temptation to succumb for Snehamoy comes in the form of Sandhya ( Raima Sen) the young widow who comes to live with them along with her little boy.
This is a slow movie with each and every emotion prodigiously depicted. The simplicity of the movie and yet the profound statement it makes, takes ones breath away.
Verdict :- 9 out of 10 and a must watch if you like unconventional movies.
Very heart touching n emotional movie.... Awesome!!