Monday, April 24, 2017

Lakshmi (2014)

Image result for lakshmi movie 
This movie by Nagesh Kukunoor takes you along Lakshmi;s unfortunate Journey into the world of Human Trafficking and her brave fight to victory. This is a biographical movie depicting the social problem of human trafficking and child prostitution in the country. 

Lakshmi, the fresh faced, innocent looking 14 year old portrayed by Monali Thakur is the victim of human trafficking. Hailing from an rural and remote village of Andhra Pradesh in India, she is sold by her father for a mere 30000 Rupees. And none other than the local corporator facilitates the deal. 

The movie has tried to bring to the fore front, the various facets of the human trafficking nexus. To being with the owner of the brothel, Reddy keeps Lakshmi with him for a few days and he is nice to her. Just around the time that she starts to get comfortable at his house, he brutally rapes her and sent to the brothel to live along with several other girls. It's a gruesome life there and every time Lakshmi tries to escape, she is brutally beaten up.

The Madame of the brothel, Jyoti's ( shefali Chaya) behaviour is a paradox. One one end, she seems quite nonchalant and on the other end there are streaks of affection for the girls. She her has a daughter in the engineering school and is hoping to retire once the daughter is settled.

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Some girls seem to accept their fate over a period of time ( like Suvarna played by Asha Saini) and this is driven by the fact that they are no longer accepted by the society or for that matter by their family who hide behind the wall of respectability.

There seems to be camaraderie among the girls and most of them look out for each other. They look for small pleasure in life and resort to alcohol and drugs to get by the ordeal of their lives.

And at the end of it, you realize that girls like Lakshmi who stand up to fight and dare to dream of freedom are far and few . Most of them just accept their fate and go back to their life in-spite to having an opportunity to break free.

Verdict :- 8 out of 10. Worth a watch but not a family movie for sure. 

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